branding/advertising communications, Personal Life

Likes, Dislikes, Favourites and Followers

Instant Gratification and Instant Connectivity

We are in an era of instant gratification, which has given rise to instant connectivity, or perhaps I am mixing the cause and effect relationship. Whatever, it cannot be denied that the net besides offering instant connectivity, also provides:

1) Anonymity.

2) Free expression of thoughts, opinions and feedback.

It is the anonymity that offers so much liberty and freedom. Many exploit it to their advantage, whilst there are others who prefer to reveal their identity and speak for themselves on real terms.  Often online or net connectivity leads to real-time connections, which is another advantage.

A double-edged sword, for  attack and defense.

Today anyone and everyone can express their opinions, or feedback on platforms like FB, Twitter, Blogs, etc. Many take recourse to also correct the wrong done to them through the net and address their grievances.  And yes, violations, transgressions and attacks have also happened through the net, since free access is available to all, which is the very essence of internet.


Likes, Follower and Retweets – a measurement tool!

What amuses or baffles me the most, is this measurement of opinions, thoughts and feedback. “Likes” on FB, Linkedin, etc seem to become a  yardstick for popularity.  Followers on Google another means of evaluation of posts. How do such “likes” really matter? As a writer, I am happy that so many people like my posts and perhaps that increases my popularity rating. And the more followers I get on Twitter or blogs, the higher I am on the admiration list. So far so good.

But sadly, since this has become a measurement tool, most users today, instead of speaking out their thoughts, desires,etc  have lost focus on the essence of the platform and actually reach out to their friends etc to either “like” or “follow”, thus creating artificial or bogus popularity ratings. Their goal is directed towards promoting themselves, thus creating false or bogus posts and thus impressions. Hence users make false claims, share unoriginal thoughts, etc with a focus of rising on the popularity charts. Many so-called tweeples look just to be re-tweeted and often promote each other, favoriting them, etc not unlike some bloggers, on a different platform.

And since that has now come to be the accepted norm, most genuine users today, do not give the number of likes or followers too much emphasis or due importance, which is sad. So the entire objective of sharing, is losing its impact.

I thought I read somewhere not too long ago, that FB was planning on introducing a “dislike” button. I think this is a very good idea! So FB users would think twice before “posting” for fear of getting “dislikes”! But ironically, that may drop the number of FB users, which could be detrimental to the interest of FB, a catch 22 situation. Thus the thought of introducing “dislikes” in itself may have fetched many “dislikes” and the proposal dropped.

Am curious to know, how many “dislikes” I would get for this!








